Graduation Ceremony for VdO Courtisane Demoiselle Julia

Graduation Ceremony for VdO Courtisane Demoiselle Julia

January 18,  2014


The family and friends of Julia and members of the Roissy Val D'Oise community gathered in the Chateau Gardens to witness the graduation of Courtisane Demoiselle Julia into Courtisane Sister.

It has been a long journey for Julia from when she started at Roissy Val D'oise and almost graduated on the old Demoiselle path and until now where she finally took the tag she has worked so hard to earn and make possible to wear.

Madame Josephine looked exquisite and dignified as she waited on the platform for her girl Julia. Behind her Maître René, Maître Chronos, Maitresse Trish and Julia's special guest Master Barg, sat in a row of chairs.

The music from Story of O was setting the stage for the ceremony as Julia approached the red carpet. Leading her from Samois was Sisters Vette and Gillian and Maitresse Trish Ambrose Roux.

Madame Josie spoke in a clear voice:

"Maitresse Trish, please bring forward Julia of the House of Samois, and place her at your feet."

As Julia walked over the red carpet, all eyes watched her. She walked to the platform and knelt at the feet of Maitresse Trish and Madame Josie.

Madame continued:

"Maître Rene, Honoured Guests; welcome all on this joyful day; as we come together to witness the Graduation of Courtisane Demoiselle Julia.

Normally, I would say at this point that we in Samois feel sorrow that we bid farewell to a Demoiselle as she leaves us to rejoin the wider Roissy community.

But, today Samois does not lose Julia completely but shares her with the wider Roissy community as a welcome addition to the Sisterhood;

for Julia comes this day to her graduation with my loving hand firmly on her collar :

I call on Maitresse Trish, to open the proceedings by speaking in support of Julia and her time in training in Roissy Val d'Oise ; please let us know your recommendation, Mistress."

Maitresse Trish was the first to speak in favor of Julia.

"Thank you Madame

Some gathered here will recall the days a year or more ago, when I came to Roissy as, first, Mistress and then Maitresse de Samois. It took me a while to find my way around and get to know everyone here, but one girl made an immediate impression on me. Now, I will say that impression was mixed, good and bad in parts. Julia was a handful but one thing you could be sure of, from Master Rene to Julia's sisters and all of us between, is that she made an unforgettable impression on us all.

Julia was and remains fiercely loyal to Roissy, Master Rene and to Madame Josephine, never doing anything by halves, she was and still is impulsive, enthusiastic and she approached her training and self development in that way, and has passed on that enthusiasm to others, not least Master Barg, present here today as Julia's Guest, who shared with Julia training experiences from Dominate and submissive perspectives. Julia, of course trained as a Demoiselle under the old submissive path (rather different from today's) but completed it in style with not one but two events - but don't ask me how that happened.

It was Julia's misfortune to be prevented from graduating at the right time, but I will not draw a cloud over this happy day by saying more than, a wrong is now righted.

And this Madame and Maître Rene are my thoughts on this dear girl, Maître, it is my firm recommendation that Julia be granted Title and membership as a Sister of Roissy Val d'Oise."

"Thank you Maitresse Trish for your words of support and your recommendation.” Madame Josie continued.

“Sister Gillian would you please speak in support of the recommendation made by Maitresse Trish that Julia be raised to the Sisterhood."

Gillian stood up and smiled warmly at Julia:

"Thank you Madame

Julia, is an amazing sister, she's bright, talented, tenacious, loyal and above all an amazing friend. It's taken her longer than most to reach this point in her path, but through various twists and turns she finally reached her goal.

There is something amazing about her that draws people in.

She's an example to all Dems and Debs here today, that with determination comes a great reward, never give up or loose sight of your goal no matter what life, or sl throws at you.

She's never given up and I'll be proud to welcome her as a Sister at VdO.

Julia reminds me of a saying by Mahatma Ghandi....

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

Watch out Masters/MIstresses you will have your hands full with this sexy, vibrant girl."

Josie Ambrose chuckled and made a mental note to keep a fire extinguisher handy in Samois.

"Maître Rene, You have heard the recommendation of Maitresse Trish and the warm support given to that recommendation by Sister Gillian. May I invite you now, to confer on Courtisane Demoiselle Julia the title and the ring of Sisterhood."

Maître René took the great recommendations to heart and stood up to speak

"René is always taken aback by all the commendations, indicating to Madame his own confirmation to continue with the proceedings."

"Thank you Maître.

Courtisane Demoiselle Julia, come forward please and kneel before us.”

Julia stood up and moved in front of Maître Rene and Madame Josie.

Madame Josie nodded in affirmation at the kneeling figure, then looked around at the assembled guests drawing their attention, before turning again to address the Julia.

"Courtisane Demoiselle Julia......

No more will you carry that title........

cast it aside and wear this one that I give you now......"

Madame Josie allowed herself to smile warmly at the kneeling figure.

Julia looked at her tag with pride, now wearing the tag of VdO Courtisane Sister.

"........wear this mark of Sisterhood with pride as you go out to a new and challenging future in Roissy Val d'Oise."

Applauds rose from the guests and warm smiles was raised to the girl that now was kneeling as a new Sister of Roissy Val D'Oise. Even a few tears was shed in happiness for the joyous occasion.

Madame Josie called on the new Sister:

"Courtisane Sister Julia............

: .............Congratulations and well done."

"Thank you my Mistress" Julia responded.

"Julia, please stand and take a moment to speak to all your friends assembled here today."

Julia stood up and turned to face the people...

"Thank you Madame

For those of you who have known me a long time, you will know the passion I have for quite actively trying to help make VdO an even better place and not just sitting there and complaining about it. So a long time ago I approached Maître Rene and put the idea to him of creating the opportunity for a Courtisane to progress to sisterhood. Maître Rene was interested in my idea and asked me to go away and put it down on paper for him which I did and thus was born the Courtisane Sister. So it is with a lot of pride that I now stand here today having graduated to that role. Thank you Maître Rene for taking the time to listen to me and for reading those 1 million e-mails I sent to you! (smile)

To get here has been quite a journey and if it wasn't for the help of some very dear and trusting friends I would never have made it.

Thank you my dear friend Sister Gill… those long talks you me and Kely used to have in the gazebo have paid off!

So thank you to my dear friend Kely who importantly had RL obligations and could not attend today and who gave me the support I needed with one of the challenges life has dealt me and without that help Sis I’m sure I wouldn't even be still in SL let alone standing here today as a Sister.

Thank you to Master Barg who helped me through some of the tasks I struggled with as a Demoiselle, your level of kindness and empathy for a girl in such situations is really quite unique and I am sure will soon be recognised.

Thank you also to Sir Loran for being a trusted friend for some time now going back before we even came to VdO. Thank you Sir for also DJing for my dance, that was one thing I really wanted to happen.

There are just so many people who have played such a significant part in helping me to get where I am. To my dear friend Curious who can't make it today, thank you sis for your loyalty and friendship as we have travelled SL together for what I think is almost 4 years now. Thank you to my dear friend bethie and your philosophical discussions and your encouragement to keep going during the difficult times.

Maître Rene thank you for giving us all VdO and thank you for your patience with me, and a very special thank you for listening to me and creating the role I so proudly have been given today, that of Val d’Oise Courtisane Sister. Maître it will be a title I will wear with much pride.

I also wish to thank Miss Trish my Mistress’s partner and my second owner for her undying support for anything I do, well almost everything, she does seem to get a little out of shape when I pester my Mistress too much or talk too much..... Sigh :-)"

Maitresse Trish smiled looking at Julia

"Lastly and most importantly I wish to thank Madame Josie who today quite uniquely serves a dual role… that of my Mistress… and that of Anne-Marie de Samois. Madame I have really struggled at times and you have always been there to guide and advise me with wise counsel… oh and um also guide me with that damned birch on many occasions as well!! For those of my sisters who think I get an easy life because my Mistress happens to be Anne-Marie de Samois need to think again because her requirements of me are a lot higher and I'm almost convinced that she sees me as some sort of practice dummy for her birch at times!! (Nervous smile).

But seriously Madame, I love you so much and my whole aim in reaching sisterhood is to please you and to serve you and VdO to the best of my ability.

And last but not least... thank you all for making me feel so special today by coming to my graduation....

I am sure I have missed thanking many people, and to those I have, I apologise and I assure you that you mean no less to me

Thank you Madame Josie...."

“Thank you Julia. Please take your place for a moment on your cushion next to Maitresse Trish.

It is customary for Madame to be brief in her concluding remarks as I see some already edging towards the drinks table :). But I cannot let this moment pass without declaring my particular pride and joy in seeing Julia achieve this long cherished goal.

- joy, because I am privileged to hold her collar,

- joy, because she is not only my collared girl but dear to my heart,

- pride, because it has been a long and bumpy road for her............

: and, finally ...........

- amazement that she made it to her graduation without me killing her first. " The last was said with a grin and a twinkle in her eyes.

Julia looked at her Mistress with a grin as well.

Madame Josie continued:

" Maître Rene, Honoured Guests - Roissy Val d'Oise has a great asset in Julia, she is passionate, talented, experienced, loyal to a fault and has an inner toughness that drives and informs all she does.

: Julia,........

you make your Mistress very happy and enormously proud this day.

Master Rene, that concludes the ceremony, as the House of Samois is proud to see another of its Demoiselles take her place in the wider community. May I now invite you to close the proceedings witnessed here today?"

René turning to the newest Sister smiling said" this is your day Julia."

Julia looked up at Maitre René

René Raised his glass "Come everyone and raise your glass with me in congratulating and welcoming her into sisterhood here at Roissy Val d'Oise It's time to live up to your success, smile and take a bow !


Congratulations rained over the new sister and glasses were raised in her celebration.

"Please join us in the garden for a celebration dance with DJ Loran, and in the Ballroom at 2 as it continues with a formal celebration with Clarice singing live"

Julia kissed her Mistress, Madame Josie and hugged Maitresse Trish as they told her how proud they were of her.

DJ Loran took over the stream and entertained us with a nice mixture of Rock, Pop and Country music and then the celebrations continued in the ballroom with singing of Clarice Karu followed by Rocketman Galaxy.


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